Czech Liver Sausages, Jetrnica, Jitrnica

Jitrnice-CZECH REPUBLIC-Europe
Jitrnice are one of the most common pork sausages in the Czech Republic. Although there are numerous regional varieties, they mostly consist of pork cuts, various internal organs, and pork liver. Depending on the tradition, some prefer to incorporate barley or soaked wheat buns in the basic mixture.

The sausages are often seasoned with a variety of herbs and spices such as marjoram, allspice, garlic, and pepper. Jitrnice are usually large, they vary in color and consistency, but are distinguished by a wooden stick tied at each end. Although they can be fried or grilled and eaten as other sausage varieties, the Czechs prefer to enjoy them sliced, drizzled with vinegar, and served alongside freshly chopped onions.